Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You say you want a Revolution?

We are going to the website and creating a profile

This is the website you are going to be joining -
You are not joining as yourself but as a leader of one of the four Rebellions/Revolutions below- here are your choices

Haitian Revolution- 1791 Toussaint L’Ouverture. A Slave uprising in Haiti
Boxer Rebellion- 1899 a rebellion in China against westerners.
Sepoy Rebellion- a rebellion in India in 1857.
Zulu Wars- 1830’s the Zulu Tribe in Africa.

Thomas Jefferson is already a member of the class groups and his profile and responses to Mr. Fulbright’s discussion questions will provide good examples to work by. You should do your research on your rebellion before you get all crazy and start creating a profile.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Industrial Revolution...

...why it wasn't all pretty.

The Industrial Revolution created many positive changes for our society (cheaper, more widely available goods) it also had a lot of negative effects. Some examples include pollution, urban crowding, poverty and the subject of this activity- Child Labor.

As we found out in yesterday's class Child Labor still exists all over the world- it is your job to investigate this problem. You are to find 3 examples of places still using child labor, for each example you need a picture, a description of where it is occurring and what is happening. You upload each picture followed by the description to your blogger. We will review them as a class- an example follows (mine is done during "The Industrial Revolution" remember yours is to be done for "modern times")
The above picture shows children in an American Mine. They begin working in these dangerous places at early ages- sometimes 8 years old. The mines are dark, wet and dangerous with many hazards to their health. Heavy equipment, explosives and black lung (a condition of the lungs created by coal dust, can lead to death) all pose threats to the children.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Meeting of the Minds

The “Enlightenment” was a movement that represented a turning point in intellectual history. While all these old guys (and ladies) spent a lot of time reading and writing (stuff you may consider boring) they did have some fun every once and a while. They would get together at a party called a “salon” (no not the kind of place where you get your hair cut). At a “salon” they would eat, drink and be merry- oh and talk about how smart they are and what their ideas were. Since I know you all love to eat and talk- if you do the research right and prepare for a salon, we will have one as a class. That’s right I will bring you food! AND LET YOU EAT IT! As Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake.”
Your task is to research one of these characters;
Adam Smith
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Mary Wollstonecraft
Jean Jacques Rousseau
You need to write a short biography (only ½ to a full page typed) in YOUR OWN WORDS. Then you need to have a note card written up with some key ideas you could discuss at our party. Lastly you need to create a “prop” or some kind of item your person might bring to a salon- obviously it has to be related to your character- John Locke would not have brought a leaf blower.
And when this is all done in a couple days- we will have a salon!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All the latest Russian News!!!

Peter the Great is known as being one of Russia’s strongest Rulers on their long and interesting list of Leaders. He did many great things for the Russians. He opened their country’s door to the West. He brought new technology to their communities. He even started their first newspaper… and guess who just got hired on as a journalist for their newspaper/broadcasting team? You!
Your assignment is to create an article or news broadcast about all the great things Peter the Great has done for your “country” Russia. This should be written as if you were in their time period and should follow the general structure of a newspaper article. You need to name and describe at least four things he brought to/did for your country.
Once again he is your Czar, and you do call him “Peter the Great,” so make sure you do a good job of making him sound like the best ruler EVER, you never know what may happen if you don’t…
You can submit this either as a written article with authentic title and one picture (one page long) or as an actual “news broadcast” filmed on one of the school’s cameras during class.
Alternate/Replacement assignment- Write a three page biography on Peter the Great on the theme of “Why Peter the Great is one of Russia’s most important rulers”. The paper must include a thesis, body and conclusion. Work that is copy and pasted will not be accepted.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Columbian Exchange

The Columbian Exchange
Step 1, brainstorm a list of things you think might have gone from the “new world” to the “old world”.
Step 2, brainstorm a list of things you think might have gone from the “old World” to the “new World”.
Step 3, go out on the internet and do a search on the “Columbian Exchange”
Step 4, visit this website;
Step 5, Create a list of what you think the 5 most important "things" each side got, then write a paragraph explaining who you think got the better end to the deal.
Step 6, Visit another student's blog and comment on their choices (be respectful)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Introduction: You will be placing yourself in the "shoes" of an explorer in the Age of Exploration.
Process: You are to choose a explorer and write 3 different passages in your "Captain's Log"
The first entry is explaining why you have the need to go exploring (i.e. what you want to find, what you want to accomplish, etc.).
The second entry is a letter you are writing to a King or Queen who you hope will help sponsor (pay for) your trip. Tell them why they should trust you, why they should give you $, and what they will get in return.
The last entry is to be done "after" the journey, here you will write about what you found and why your discoveries were important.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Checking in 4th hour

Make a post below using your name and your blogger user name